To All the Mothers - My Prayer for You

To my friends who attempt to patch holes in their hearts from the loss of their mom, I pray that today would be filled with sweet memories, a giggle or two at a few family jokes, awkward moments, or just plain silliness your mom unknowingly bequeathed to you, and a peace and comfort, reminiscent of a warm embrace and the holding of hands that will gently accompany you through this day.


To those who long to be moms, who bravely face their fear each month and swallow the chalice of disappointment as months turn into years. I pray that Hope would be your steady companion, that perhaps just for today you might focus your thoughts on the one who brought you life and delight in the fact that you are here. And tomorrow when you pick up your cup of suffering, that you would have a mighty sisterhood surrounding you, storming heavens gates on your behalf, and praying ceaselessly for your heart’s desire; to hear a tiny one call you Mom. And whether that desire is born from your flesh or is granted through the miracle of adoption or fostering, or coming alongside another mom who needs her child to be loved by you, I pray that Jesus will be your portion and ultimately become your greatest comfort.  I pray also for the gift of daughters and sons in Jesus, those born to other moms but who need your motherly love and direction in their lives.


To the moms who have lost a child, whose lives will never be the same, and the ache will never disappear. I pray that Jesus will hold you tightly through days like today. And birthdays. And anniversaries. And ordinary days when the unexpected avalanche of sadness begs you to stay in bed and weep. I pray that memories of days gone by, of the first look into your baby’s eyes, and perhaps baby giggles will be reminders of the sweetness you shared. And I pray that the Hope of eternity will be your strength and song. Until you meet again.


To my friends who have inherited children through marriage, who may have had challenges in their role as “stepmother.” I pray that you would experience a bond with your children as they come to be your own. I pray for peace and an amicable relationship with their birth mom if that is a struggle. I pray that you would experience the fullness of motherhood and truly be blessed by these added gifts of grace.


To the daughters and moms who struggle to find joy in their relationship, who long to see eye-to-eye, and who would give anything for a meaningful conversation. I pray for restoration and reconciliation, and I pray that walls would crumble. I pray for a “first step” of reaching out and perhaps many more baby steps to regaining trust and friendship. I pray that today would be a new beginning for you both.


To the moms who have spent their years tirelessly rearing their children, worrying about their health and safety, cheering them on when they made the Dean’s List, and lovingly disciplining them when they made dumb choices. May we continue to pray fervently for each child who has been entrusted to our care, reminding them of the Father’s love, and spurring them on in their endeavors. May we who are now grandmothers cherish our children’s children, loving and caring for them as we pray they carry on our legacy of faith.


And to those of us who are blessed to have our moms who continue to walk beside us, cheering us on and praying for us, sharing family history and recipes, good book recommendations, and “remember when” stories. I pray that we would not take one day for granted but cherish every day we wake up with our moms in our lives. I pray we would make the most of the days and moments, taking advantage of the opportunities for visits and phone calls, note cards, and flowers. And every night before we retire, we would say thank you to Jesus, once again, for our mothers. (Oh, how I love my mom!)


And finally, to the ones who call me mom. I pray the memories we’ve shared will bring wrinkle-creases to your smiles and belly-aching laughter when you need it most. I pray you will remember the travels, the road trips, the quiet times at home, the bedtime stories, and the admonition to “make good choices” when you left the house. I pray you smile when you think of your mom in the stands cheering for you, knowing she was beaming with pride no matter how well you performed. I pray you know the absolute joy she experiences seeing you successfully “adulting” with real jobs, God-chosen soulmates, your own homes to decorate the way you choose, and for some of you, the gift of now being moms yourself. I also pray for your continued grace as I learn to become a better mom and Ammi to you all. Know I pray for you daily. I speak the name and peace of Jesus over you in the morning when I rise. I pray that you would love and serve Jesus all the days of your lives, that you would teach your children well, and that you would be deeply formed in Him. How exceedingly grateful I am that you call me Mom.


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