Mt Rainier- Take Two

I wrote earlier about the magnificence of Mt Rainier and that even though you can’t always see it, it’s always there. Kind of like God. You may not see Him, but you can rest assured He is always there and working on our behalf.Here are a few more lessons I’ve learned from mountains.We’ve driven and hiked up many mountains in different parts of the world. Norway is home to incredible mountain chains as is Switzerland. Each time we’ve climbed to the top, I’ve appreciated the amazing 360-degree view that awaits our worn out bodies. To be able to look down into the valleys gives me an exhilarating sense of accomplishment. Especially after a treacherous climb, I long to just sit on the mountain top, take in the beautiful scenery and stay there forever.Looking down from the top of the mountain affords us a glimpse of whereGetImage_002 we’ve come from. Rarely do the trails take us straight up the mountain. More often, the path curves or consists of switchbacks. While it takes longer than ascending straight to the top, these trails make the journey a bit more manageable. Climbing to the top requires following the One who has laid out my path.Most importantly, I’ve noticed that there is no growth on top of a mountain. There are no lush, green meadows, towering pine trees nor colorful array of flowers. They are always below in the valleys.While I long to stay on the mountain top, I know I must eventually descend back down into the valley to experience real growth. In the Lord’s graciousness, He provides streams of His living water, bubbling brooks that speak lessons of life to me, and dazzling colors to bring depth to my world. He hides me in the cleft of the rock and draws me closer to Himself. In the valleys, He whispers Truth and brings healing to my soul.From the mountain-top, where He shouts His glory, to the valleys below, where He whispers the depth of His love, I know He is gently leading me every step of the way.Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low;the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. ~ Isaiah 40:4 


The Ram in the Thicket


...And Love Your Neighbors. Your Actual Neighbors.