Prayer - It’s Not Just Talking to God
Thanks for the image, Ben White from Unsplash.
After moving to a new community, I met a fellow military spouse I had previously heard about and was looking forward to getting to know. During our initial conversation, she proceeded to tell me all about herself and her family. And more about herself. At the end of our twenty-minute chat, I knew quite a bit about her, yet she knew nothing about me. Our one-sided “conversation” reminded me how often I go about my conversations with God in the same manner. I used to spend my whole prayer time talking and missed the opportunity to listen and learn, getting to know Him on a deeper level, and marveling as He reveals His attributes and characteristics.
Having attended prayer workshops and read books on the subject, I am struck by the revelation of how often we leave out the most important aspect of prayer; listening. We teach different methods including the ACTS acronym (Adoration, Confess our sins, Thank Him, and Supplication.) Yet in each of these components, we are the ones talking. Granted, these are all noble and necessary in our relationship with Jesus, however, the invitation to be still and listen to Him speak becomes lost in our attempt to tell Him everything He already knows.
Like our earthly relationships, we must listen to God more than we speak, if our desire is to get to know Him. Several thoughts might hinder this discipline; our human nature is uncomfortable with silence or perhaps we are afraid of what God might reveal to us in the silence. It takes practice to implement this discipline, and patience. Our mind is prone to wander, but God longs to speak. This week as we enter our times of prayer, may we seek to be still and ask God what He wants to tell us. And then take time to sit. And listen.