The Power of One
Our family moved to this area two years ago and began the intimidating task of “church dating”. After visiting at least seven churches, we felt led to join our current one. Even though it was the largest one we tried, we both agreed it was the friendliest. After taking time to think through our decision to attend this church, it dawned on me that really, it came down to one person in particular who went out of her way to make us feel welcomed and connected.The Grand Finale of Husfelt High School Graduations has just commenced. And I have to confess that during these past few weeks I’ve said a few times how happy I am that I will be finished dealing with high schools. (This being our fifth one.)As I was sitting through the ceremony, I noticed one of the counselors from the school whom we’ve had a particularly difficult time with this year. After taking time to think through my feelings, it dawned on me that really, it was only this one staff person who soured my outlook on high schools in general, and this one especially.The Power of One.Comparing these two experiences, I am reminded that it only takes one person to make a place fabulous or faltering.Our church is very friendl
y. But it really started with just one person who made it seem like the whole church was friendly.High Schools are horrible places. No, not necessarily. It really was just one high school counselor who made it seem this way.I was talking with a friend today and she was telling me about the one person at our church who made a difference in her life, and this one person is the reason she and her family stayed and joined our church.I have seen The Power of One. And I want to be that One.I want to be that One who takes a step out of my comfort zone and speaks to the new people. I want to be that One who stays a few extra minutes and connects with someone who needs encouragement. I want to be that One who’s okay with my schedule being interrupted so that someone else feels important and valued. I want to be that One that God uses to comfort another, that walks alongside someone who is struggling, that ignites a spark of Hope in someone who is experiencing hopelessness. I want to be that One who brings glory to God and speaks His peace to those He places in my path.“Lord, help me to be more concerned with those around me than I am with my needs, my comfort and my schedule. Help me be one You use to bring someone else to You. Help me to love deeply with the love that comes only from You. ~Amen”